To all those wonderful and inspirational friends who hunt and scavenge; polish and shine and paint; design and create; pack, travel, and set-up; and work day and night to share the things they love with all of us in their flea market booths, beautiful little shops, and on-line retail markets and blogs, Thank You! It is a labor of love that on most days should qualify for "not for profit status."
Thank you for sharing your labor of love. You inspire me and brighten my day with your lovely work.
So, now I'm off to treasure hunt for my little shop. If only it was here.
Have a lovely Labor Day.
Images 1, 2, 3 & 8 ~ The Flea Markets of France; 4 & 5 ~ The Passionate Shopper; 6 & 7 ~ Shabby Chic ~ The Gift of Giving
How many beauty in these photographs!! I love the old, which has a story to tell! A greeting