Saturday, July 31, 2010

~ Shop Update: Retail Therapy ~

When I finally get a room in my house looking like I want it to, I tend to leave it alone.  So the great thing about having a shop is that I can change it every week.  As a matter of fact, I can't stand to have it looking the same for more than a month at a time.  Here's a peek at how it looks now.

I love these antique Swedish pressed botanicals. 
Check out some pretty inspiration pictures [here].

For some people it's shoes.  For me, I can't get enough silver.  

I have to admit that I have become somewhat obsessed with shopping for the store lately.  It's so much fun to find that unexpected thing.

Yesterday I picked up this seaman's trunk shipped by C.T. Slack on the Railway Express in 1945. 

With a little elbow grease and some vintage casters, this is going to be an amazing coffee table. 

Please be sure to check out the blog for One of a Kind Shoppe [here].  We will be having our first give-away in a couple weeks. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi.
    I totally agree with you. I hate my house looking like a messy shop which I can't change it often.

    I wish I had a shop like yours..
    Lovely silvers...

    Julie xx

  2. Qué preciosidad de tienda!!! Podría pasarme horas y horas en ella, disfrutando como una niña!!
    Un saludo.

  3. Love the Seaman's trunk!

    Wish I could visit the shop!

    It's beautiful!

    Flora Doora


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