Saturday, May 8, 2010

~ John Saladino Cured My Multiple Personality Disorder ~

On most days, I'm convinced that I suffer from multiple personality disorder.  One of my personalities loves bright white ~ slightly modern ~ slightly shabby chic decor.  The other personality is content with linen white ~ slightly rustic ~ villa decor.  
Clearly, one home is not enough for one with this affliction. 

But I may have been cured yesterday.  I was lucky enough to attend a presentation by John Saladino.  Take a look at his gorgeous designs.  The room above has long been one of my favorites.

I live with white slip covered sofas and warm accents.  I didn't realize that I was channeling the great Mr. Saladino.

I love the simplicity and softness of these dining rooms paired with the fabulous rustic textures of the ceiling, walls and floors.

What makes each of Mr. Saladino's designs so amazing is the architecture that surrounds them. 

You can be assured that if great architectural elements don't already exist, he will create them.

Without a doubt, my favorite Saladino designs have many feminine elements.

So, now it's time for me, myself and I (okay, maybe I'm not 100 percent cured) to relax on the porch and study Mr. Saladino's new book (um, my autographed copy). 


I forgot to mention that he is also a fantastic landcape architect, but apparently he isn't fond of our little patches of impatients planted under lush old trees.  Maybe he'll come around if he spends a little more time in the South.

Have a great week.



  1. I loved every photo!!! Great post, Martina

  2. Another beautiful post! I love
    the interiors and your blog!

    Flora Doora

  3. Just happend on your lovely blog today! Really like your style, and enjoyed reading about your shop!


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