Friday, May 28, 2010

~ The Way To My Heart ~

Wrap one up in a big blue box, please!

Via Eloquence (here)

Via Eloquence (here)

Via Apartment Therapy (here)

Source unknown

Source unknown

Via French Larkspur (here)

P.S.  This is a picture taken by Tracey of French Larkspur on her recent trip to Paris.  I'm sure that if I was here in person, I would die because my heart would stop!  I'm sure it would be worth it.

Happy holiday weekend.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

~ Under the Cover ~

When I round the corner in the supermarket to the magazine isle, there is always great anticipation.  Will there be a new issue?  A cover that will make me gasp because it is so beautiful?  Will it have at least one feature that really speaks to me?  

When the answer to these questions is "Yes," chances are the magazine is Veranda.  That's how I felt when I saw the cover of the current issue.

With so many magazines disappearing, thank the Design Gods that Veranda is still going strong. 

These are all images from Veranda. Some are from those cover stories that made me gasp. 

All of them are rooms that speak to me. They have been around for a while, but I still like them as much as the first time I saw them.

Do you see a common thread?

How would you define it?

Have a great weekend!


Friday, May 14, 2010

~ Procrastination Is A Beautiful Thing ~

I slipped out of work a little early today to get ready for my weekend house guests.  I urgently need to be cleaning.  Instead, I picked flowers, which led to pictures of flowers and now, posting pictures of flowers. 

Lily is a few sniffs away from eating the leaves.

This is the first year that these single peonies bloomed. 
A beautiful surprise.

Pink peonies, white roses and purple Veronica in the front garden.

Pink climbers cover my fence.

These old fashioned roses are so pretty this year.

More pink.

So, now that I have bouquets for the guest rooms...

I have to stop procrastinating and clean or no one will be
allowed past the front door. 

Have a beautiful weekend.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

~ John Saladino Cured My Multiple Personality Disorder ~

On most days, I'm convinced that I suffer from multiple personality disorder.  One of my personalities loves bright white ~ slightly modern ~ slightly shabby chic decor.  The other personality is content with linen white ~ slightly rustic ~ villa decor.  
Clearly, one home is not enough for one with this affliction. 

But I may have been cured yesterday.  I was lucky enough to attend a presentation by John Saladino.  Take a look at his gorgeous designs.  The room above has long been one of my favorites.

I live with white slip covered sofas and warm accents.  I didn't realize that I was channeling the great Mr. Saladino.

I love the simplicity and softness of these dining rooms paired with the fabulous rustic textures of the ceiling, walls and floors.

What makes each of Mr. Saladino's designs so amazing is the architecture that surrounds them. 

You can be assured that if great architectural elements don't already exist, he will create them.

Without a doubt, my favorite Saladino designs have many feminine elements.

So, now it's time for me, myself and I (okay, maybe I'm not 100 percent cured) to relax on the porch and study Mr. Saladino's new book (um, my autographed copy). 


I forgot to mention that he is also a fantastic landcape architect, but apparently he isn't fond of our little patches of impatients planted under lush old trees.  Maybe he'll come around if he spends a little more time in the South.

Have a great week.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

~ My Blogland Puppy ~

If you read a lot of blogs, you will see that friendship develop in blogland between wonderful bloggers and their readers.  During my short time in blogland, I have developed a special relationship....with this cute puppy!

I love this little dog Sally from the beautiful Swedish blog  Lilla Kullan.

She makes me smile every time Lilla Kullan pops up with a new post and I see her little face.  Is she not the cutest?  (This coming from a lover of big dogs.)

I hope she made you smile, too.  Off to Market Day. 
Happy weekend. 
