Sunday, October 23, 2011

~ Lovely Surprise ~

Happy Sunday, everyone.  I hope you have enjoyed your weekend as much as I have. I worked at the shoppe yesterday and spent today at an exciting auction in Roswell.  Oh, if I only had a moving truck, warehouse and men with lots of muscles at my service ~ I would have so much neat stuff. 

Source unknown (now in my inspiration file)
I had a lovely surprise a couple weeks ago when Max from Pocket Change and asked if he could include me in their Best of the Web No. 36 feature.  It's funny because I hardly ever think that anyone is actually reading my blog!!  Thanks, Max!  Please head over to Pocket Change and check it out.

Love this winter white room featured by Maureen in eclectic revisited

I'm settling into my new location in DuPre's ~ and just in time for the holidays.  We will be decorating the store during the first week of November.  I can't wait to see what everyone does.  I wish all of you, my friends, could stop by for a visit.

Yes, it's almost that time!

Have a wonderful week.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

~ Belgian Creme Puffs ~

Yea!  I moved my booth at DuPre's Antique Market this weekend.  Moving's hard, but I love the space and all the new goodies.  Here's a peek.

I'm limping to the kitchen now for a treat ~ Belgian creme puffs.

Have a wonderful week!
