Saturday, April 30, 2011

~ Belle Francaise Interiors at DuPre's Antique Market ~

Happy weekend, everyone!  Monday was moving day.  I thought I would be home with my feet up by early afternoon.  Not so much!  Here's a peek at how everything looked at the end of Day One. 

I've been going to DuPre's on historic Marietta Square since I moved to Atlanta in 1980.  The building was built in the mid-1800's and has awesome old wood floors, brick walls and open beam ceilings.  There's nothing like the sound of the train going by right outside the door to make me feel that this is the perfect place for antiques.

If you haven't been to DuPre's recently, you are in for a surprise.  The new owner has updated and transformed the store and has brought together a wonderful collection of original art, antiques in all price ranges, mid-century modern furniture, and lots of beautiful jewelry and collectibles.  I can't wait to share my favorites with you soon.

See you soon on the square.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

~ A New Adventure ~

It's time for a new adventure . . .

To find new inspiration . . .

And to take a chance.

Belle Francaise Interiors is opening another shoppe just down the road in DuPre's Antique Market
on historic Marietta Square.

See you soon on the square.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

~ A Phase ~

I'm feeling very pink lately.

It must be a phase.

Wishing you lots of pretties in your week.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

~ They're Here ~

Cherry blossoms via Pinterest

Olsson Jensen via Greige

via Pink Mascara

via Bradbourne Farm

via Design Chic

Pink flowers ~ the perfect accessory for a happy day.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

~ Looking Through My Dirty Windshield ~

On my way home from work I noticed this really cute truck on 17th Street . . .

And started paying attention to other things that I drive by every day. 

I love the dogs in the Atlantic Station park.

How pretty is this Wisteria?

If walls could talk.  (Behind the Target off 17th Street.)

Richard Blais'restaurant on Howell Mill Road.

Old signs on Marietta Blvd. . . . on their way to retirement.

Urban art on Chattahoochee Avenue?

I wish I had a picture of this spot the day I passed by a rap video being filmed.

How did I never notice this before at Pappy Red's BBQ on Chattahoochee Avenue?!

The monument at Atlantic Station is a pretty site on the way home.

What's right outside your window?

Have a happy week.


P.S.  I would love to have the aqua truck!!