Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
~ The Promise ~
Sometimes I think about something and it happens. So this year, instead of making resolutions (which I gave up years ago), I'm going to will good things to happen. Remember The Promise?
Years ago, I cut this picture out of Victoria magazine and saved it.
And guess who appeared at my door years later in the middle of a hurricane, in need of a good home and some TLC? I'm just saying...
So, in 2011, my friends and family will enjoy good health and happiness; the wonderful, hard-working people at the office will receive the respect they deserve; and the generous, kind-hearted people I know will receive what they need to continue to touch the lives of others.
Wishing you all the best in the new year and lots of special surprises along the way.
Friday, December 24, 2010
~ Merry Christmas and Evil Plan ~
I was inspired by Joni's post today to share some photos of my Christmas decorations. Actually, this is another act of procrastination since I still need to wrap all my presents. I was definitely influenced this year by my favorite Swedish bloggy friends and used a lot of simple evergreens, white, silver and gold (with a little Dr. Suess mixed in).
I love vintage inspired decorations. These stockings are from Anthropology.
And this pretty hand painted bird ornament was a gift from my friend Nancy.
Hum, I'm seeing a theme with feathers. I may need to borrow Linda Luce's idea and get some Victoria Secret angel wings for next Christmas.
This is my Dr. Suess tree and home for my Krinkles.
And since my family doesn't read my blog, I can share my evil plan. Every year there are a few family members who have no wish list and no suggestions for gifts. So, this year they will all be getting "something I wanted for myself, not!" ~ actually extras from an auction lot that I didn't want to put in the shop. Yes, my brother will love this little collection (ha):
And for my nephew Alex (perfect for every college junior):
And for my mother!
Oh, yeah, I think I'll have some great lists to choose from next year.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
~ White Christmas ~
Wishing you a magical Christmas with friends and family.
Image by me ~ Linda Luce's beautiful booth at One of a Kind Shoppe
How wonderful that snow is in the forecast for Christmas!
These are the views from my kitchen windows during the last snow storm in Marietta. And the kitties loved it.
Merry Christmas.
Lots of love to everyone.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
~ Just a Feeling ~
There is sooooo much going on that I'm having a hard time visiting my favorite blogs friends. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone over the holidays. In the meantime, I love these photos from my blogland inspiration file.
Via Cote Quest
Via New York Times
Via Decor de Provence
I've been decorating the house, running from place to place working and shopping and crossing things off my to-do list. I'm feeling a little like this:
Image source unknown
I've been thinking about "The Promise" lately. (More later.) So, even though it looks like I may need to work over the holidays instead of taking my vacation, I'm picturing myself relaxing here:
Image source unknown
I'm pretty sure that lighting the "hope candle" at the shoppe has solved that little problem. Just waiting for confirmation. :-)
Have a wonderful week.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
~ It's Hard Work ~
It's hard work, but someone has to do it. (wink.)
Thank goodness its me! It was a great weekend of treasure hunting.
Guess which item may not make it to the shop. She's from France and really beautiful.
Have a wonderful week.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
~ Pretty and Romantic ~
Just a few shots of the shoppe. I love how everything sparkles.
Come by One of a Kind Shoppe for a visit. All the dealers have wonderful holiday decor and gifts.
Have a wonderful day!