Wednesday, November 24, 2010

~ Happy Thanksgiving ~

Image via French Country Living

Image via Provence Style of Living

Image via Provence Interiors

Image via Victoria

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends.

Today, I'm thankful for my friends and family, for my sweet little kitties, for my comfortable home, for all those creative opportunities in my life, and for frozen Marie Callender's pie!

I hope your day is spent with the ones you love, but if you can't, that you have a restful day in warm fuzzy slippers with a big bowl of popcorn and lots of good movies or juicy reruns.

Hugs to everyone.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~ Catching Up ~

We enjoyed our holiday open house at the store on Saturday.  Everyone has such pretty holiday merchandise.  Please be sure to check it out [here].  It's wonderful to relax after a busy month and catch up with my favorite blog friends.  And, I finally found time to arrange my new dining room cupboard. 

The large dining room wall has been a dilemma for the last six years and the room has undergone several reincarnations.  I like this solution, which is a good thing because it would be quite impossible to change.

I really love my estate sale and thrift store dishes.  The set on the bottom shelf with the little purple leaf is my favorite.  I would love to know the name of the pattern.

Another good thing is that I had a reason to replace the large mirror over the sideboard with some of my favorite old oil paintings.  The green leafy things may have to go, though.

When I find the perfect mirror for over the sofa, I'll show you this room.  I'm looking for a huge iron window with a mirror in it.  In the meantime, I like the reflection of the cupboard and chandelier from across the foyer.

Have a wonderful week.
